Melodrama is not my strong suit but … was a rough week! I started not feeling well a few days prior to event starting but, I had been looking forward to this so I was not going to give up easily. We had 7 days to paint. The 1st 2 days were sunny altho cold. I admit to painting in the car....I did not want to get sicker. I had a 1 hour drive each way too, so I left the house at 9am, was painting by 10:30ish, heading home by 2pm and on the sofa, under a blanket dead asleep by 3:30pm After these 2 days of painting, I was really struggling with nasty cold and my wife also got sick. I realized I needed to take care of health and home if I was going to have any hopes of getting any more paintings in later in the week. After 3 days of nasty sickiness, I re-emerged in a little better condition than I had started but.... I had 3 paintings under my belt, so the pressure was off. Weather was sunny and warmer. I stuck to a schedule of leaving the house at 9am ish, doing 1 painting, being home by 2 at the latest and resting, hydrating and basically babying myself the rest of the day. I did this for 3 more days.... relaxed into the process and actually, had some fun. On the last day to turn in paintings and it was 65 degrees! I was feeling the best I had and got one last painting in right outside Teresa Haag's Studio....our wonderful event host. I knew I wanted to paint this street scene and when I saw this jeep parked there, well.... the rest is a painting!! Paint the Town Phoenixville Show runs Nov 4 - Nov 17, 2018
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