![]() I am a pretty good secret keeper but it is getting tough now. To think that I started thinking about doing 25 Days of Minis back in June! Once you decide to apply for 25 Days of Minis, you have to apply. Then you wait to hear if you are accepted. Once you get the word that you are 'in"...Yeah!... the question is, what will you paint? Some of the 45 artists decide to paint 1 subject or 1 genre. I am one to mix it up a bit. Leave it to me to complicate matters. :) To do 25 paintings, the framing and all the photographing, editing, etc. you HAVE to plan and start early. I started painting in July but I couldn’t post or tell anyone! See, I can keep a secret…but now that I have them all done, I am excited to get this show on the road. BUT, I have to wait until December 1st when 25 Days of Minis kicks off......... What I can tell you is ........ this year I decided to break the 25 paintings into 3 subjects:
The urban landscapes I chose to do are all 6" x 6" and will be at a $225 price point. That will be framed and include shipping in the US! I had fun choosing scenes that made me smile. Doing that many paintings can be a chore at times but this was NOT at all because these were all places that I found fascinating in some way, shape or form. Last year I did Urban Abstracts, assuming they might not do well since it was something new from me. To my surprise they did very well, so I continue to play, learn and explore this avenue. So, this year I wanted to expand on this theme again. I was lucky to take a class this summer in Painting Abstract Art by Larry Moore. The class gave me a new way of approaching the painting of abstract art and I have been having fun exploring this new method as I have created this new series for 25 Days of Minis! I have been thinking about my fascination with abstraction lately. I know it confounds many and it used to completely confuse me as well, so I understand. For me there's a purity of expression involved in the making of abstract art. The fact that it is so open to interpretation by the viewer is also really compelling....that two people can see completely different things in a few varied strokes, I think takes us all to our most human, basic selves. Anyway, that is what keeps driving me to explore and delve into this thing called Abstract Art. Lastly, I am not quite sure why but, I had the crazy notion to do a 3rd subject to round out my 25 paintings. Something a bit Holiday, a bit fun, but not cliché….but it still had to reflect me. What would that be? I really struggled with this and went round and round numerous times. Nope, I am not telling you what I came up with. You will have to wait just a little bit longer....sorry! Again, more secrets, I know… but Holidays surprises are part of the fun, right? So, have you signed up for my email list to get my updates and weekly summaries of releases AND also signed up for the daily 25 Days of Minis email that will get you all 45 new artworks every morning in December? It’s gonna be Epic! See ya in December!! Sarah P.S. It might be fun for you to read about last years 25 Days of minis. I did a couple Blogs about getting ready and the whole program which of course I did not repeat myself here. If interested you can catch them here:
What's this 25 Paintings in 25 days about anyway.... 25 days, 2 series and a Partridge in a Pear Tree….
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